© ABRADOX EUROPE OÜ 2019 - 2025
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Chemical Pumps

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Pumps for: pumping of -  Brines, Sodium hydroxide, Hypochlorite, Chlorine / Cooling and heating circuits with agressive liquids / Solvents / Alkalis / Most acids including most strong ones / Liquid Sulphur etc.Pumps for: pumping of -  Brines, Sodium hydroxide, Hypochlorite, Chlorine / Cooling and heating circuits with agressive liquids / Solvents / Alkalis / Most acids including most strong ones / Liquid Sulphur etc. Efficient, rugged and safe centrifugal pumps: both magnetic drive pumps and double mechanical seal pumps. PN10/PN16/PN25. Flange connections to EN 1092-1 or drilled to ANSI/ASME B16.5 In-Line Centrifugal Pumps, Self-priming with a suction head of up to 8.5m, Corrosion and diffusion-resistant self-priming, Double mechanical seal pumps, PFA-lined, Ceramic-lined, Mobile Pumps, corrosion and permeation-resistant, Solid PTFE self-priming side channel pumps, Centrifugal Pumps for sterile processes, Injectors, Jet pumps   

  • Pumps for: pumping of -  Brines, Sodium hydroxide, Hypochlorite, Chlorine / Cooling and heating circuits with agressive liquids / Solvents / Alkalis / Most acids including most strong ones / Liquid Sulphur etc.
  • Efficient, rugged and safe centrifugal pumps: both magnetic drive pumps and double mechanical seal pumps.
  • PN10/PN16/PN25. Flange connections to EN 1092-1 or drilled to ANSI/ASME B16.5
  • In-Line Centrifugal Pumps, Self-priming with a suction head of up to 8.5m, Corrosion and diffusion-resistant self-priming, Double mechanical seal pumps, PFA-lined, Ceramic-lined, Mobile Pumps, corrosion and permeation-resistant, Solid PTFE self-priming side channel pumps, Centrifugal Pumps for sterile processes, Injectors, Jet pumps   

Ask for quotation: [email protected]

CP-Pumps Switzerland 

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© ABRADOX EUROPE OÜ 2019 - 2025
  DPVA.info Инженерный справочник.

HVAC, water supply and water treatment, industry and others