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3PC Ball Valve full-bore AISI316/CF8M PTFE seats and seals DN15-100 (G1/2" - G4") PN40 standard butt weld end ABRA-BV61 with direct mounting pad ISO top flange

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3PC Ball Valve full-bore AISI316/CF8M PTFE seats and seals DN15-100 (G1/2" - G4") PN40 standard butt weld end ABRA-BV61 with ISO mounting top pad flange

Design decisions, long production experience and strict quality control provide ball valves ABRA-BV the best possible standard tightness - leakage rate corresponding to Rate A according ISO 5208 and GOST54808 and GOST 9544
Materials specification: description

Price-list and available stock rest
ABRA-BV-61 thread ends SS316 stainless steel ball valve:

3PC Ball Valve full-bore AISI316/CF8M PTFE seats and seals DN15-100 PN40 standard butt weld end ABRA-BV61 with ISO mounting top pad flange

Main technical data:

  • Pressure rating - nominal pressure РN40 according to ISO 7268  = WOG1000 (Attention! Abbreviation WOG 1000 means hydraulic test with cold water at 64 bar, but not means PN 64, as sometimes many producers declare. Thats why if you have already bought any ball valve with body marking   "WOG1000", please know, that it's pressure nominal is PN40)
  • Maximum steam working pressure 8 bar
  • Maximum working temperature 180 °C
  • Maximum short time temperature 200 °С
  • Hydraulic test in cold water 64 bar

Main fields of application - the valve is used as shut-off (on-off) in the following applications:

  • Any systems with the following working medias:
    • water including seawater, technical, potable, drinking, district heating water, distilled, purified e.t.c.
    • salt brines, salt liquors, saline solutions; salt solutions
    • water steam (up to 8 bar),
    • air, compressed air and neutral gases,
    • natural gas, Freons, cooling agents - gaseous
    • alcohols,  acetic acid (vinegar, ethanoic acid, spirit of verdigris, acetous acid), pure, mixes and solutions
    • antifreezes including water glycol mixtures,
    • ammonia (hydrogen nitride),
    • moderate aggressive acids
    • all bases and alkali liquors
    • light and heavy petroleum products
    • other medias corresponding to material properties
  • cold water supply
  • hot water supply
  • district heating with any standard heat carrier (including antifreezes and non-freezing solutions)
  • steam lines up to 200°C,
  • condensate loops and lines,
  • technical water supply,
  • neutral and noble gas pipelines including natural gas,
  • water treatment and water intake,
  • mineral and synthetic oils transportation e.t.c.

Outline drawing of ball valve ABRA-BV-61 with ISO mounting top pad flange (sizing is in the table below):

Outline drawing of ball valve ABRA-BV-61 with ISO mounting top pad flange (sizing is in the table below)

Ball valve symbols for piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID):

Variant1. Ball valve symbol for piping and instrumentation diagram for piping and instrumentation diagram.

Variant 2. Ball valve symbol for piping and instrumentation diagram .
Variant 1. Ball valve symbol. Variant 2. Ball valve symbol.
Variant 3. Symbol of 2-way valve  for piping and instrumentation diagram for piping and instrumentation diagram. Variant 4. Symbol of  gate or knife valve  for piping and instrumentation diagram for piping and instrumentation diagram.
Variant 3.
Symbol of  2-way valve.
That is wrong but often ball valve symbol.
Variant 4.
Symbol of  gate or knife valve. That is wrong but often ball valve symbol.
Variant 5. Symbol of  gate or knife valve  for piping and instrumentation diagram.  
Variant 5.
Symbol of  gate or knife valve. That is wrong but often ball valve symbol.

Dimentions, technical characteristics, weight, Kv and Cv - ball valve ABRA-BV-61 butt weld end with ISO mounting top pad flange. Dimentions in mm. Table

15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100
1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4"
PN 40
Temperature range: Maximum short time temperature 200 °C,
Minimal ambient temperature - 60 °C
Code ABRA-BV61-015 ABRA-BV61-020 ABRA-BV61-025 ABRA-BV61-032 ABRA-BV61-040 ABRA-BV61-050 ABRA-BV61-065 ABRA-BV61-080 ABRA-BV61-100
ød, mm 15 20 25 32 38 50 65 80  100
L - installation length, mm 65 78 88 102 112 130 180 200  254
Н - installation height (from pipe axis), mm 70 80 85 100 120 140 157 170 185
h, mm 10 10 10 11 15 15 18 19 22
Т, mm - ends thickness 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.7 4.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0
W - handle, mm 105 120 150 160 180 180 245 245 280
KxK, mm, squire 9x9 9x9 9x9 11x11 14x14 14x14 17x17 17x17 17x17
М12х1,5 М14х1,5 М18х1,5 М22х1,5
Кv, m3/h (Cv=1,17 Kv)
Weight, kg 0,548 0,755 1,005 1,872 2,015 3,100 5,300 7,900 14,8
F, mm 12 12 12 14 18 18 22 22 22
ISO5211/5210  F03/F04 F03/F04 F04/F05  F04/F05 F05/F07  F05/F07 F07/F10  F07/F10  F07/F10
ISO PCD min A / sizing Ra / number of holes 36/M5x4 36/M5x4 42/M5x4 42/M5x4 50/M6x4 50/M6x4 70/M8x4 70/M8x4 70/M8x4
ISO PCD max B / sizing Rb / number of holes 42/M5x4 42/M5x4 50/M6x4 50/M6x4 70/M8x4 70/M8x4 102/M10x4 102/M10x4 102/M10x4
Torque, N*m, full differential pressure drop*  7  7  11  17,6  38,5  55 66  71,5 176
*After some rest period the starting torque can be 1,5 - 2 higher then pointed in the table

Construction - ball valve ABRA-BV-61 butt weld end with ISO mounting top pad flange:

N Description QNT Material
1 Body 1 Stainless steel Grade CF8M = AISI/SAE 316 = W.-nr.1,4401 = DINX5CrNiMo17-12-2 = BS316S16 =EN 58J = AFNOR Z6CND17.11 = UNI X5CrNiMo1712 = UNE F.3543 = SS2347 = GB 0Cr17Ni11Mo2= JIS SUS 316 = GOST03Х17Н14М2
2 Seat 2 PTFE
3 Ball 1 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 316. Grade CF8M
4 Butt weld end 2 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 316. Grade CF8M
5 Stem 1 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 316. Grade CF8M
6 Stem gasket 1 PTFE
7 Spring washer 4 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 304 = Grade CF8 = JIS SUS304 = W.-nr.1.4350 = DIN X5CrNi189 = BS 304S11 = EN 58E = AFNOR Z6CN18.09 = UNI X5CrNi1810 = UNE F.3551 = UNE F.3541 = UNE F.3504 = SS 2332 = GB OCr18Ni9


4 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 304 = Grade CF8
9 Bolt 4 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 304 = Grade CF8
10 O-ring 1 FPM
11 Packing 1 PTFE
12 Packing nut 1 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 304 = Grade CF8
13 Spring washer 2 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 304 = Grade CF8
14 Nut 2 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 304 = Grade CF8
 15 Crown Washer  1 Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 304 = Grade CF8
 16 Washer 1  Stainless steel AISI/SAE SS 304 = Grade CF8
 17 Handle  1 Stainless steel AISI/SAE + PVC

Pressure / Temperature diagram for ball valve ABRA-BV-61 butt weld end with ISO mounting top pad flange:

Pressure / Temperature diagram for ball valve ABRA-BV-61 butt weld end with ISO mounting top pad flange

Diagram defines working pressure/tempetarure range for 3PC ball valve ABRA-BV-61 butt weld end with ISO mounting top pad flange

Pressure / Temperature diagram for ball valve ABRA-BV-61A butt weld ends:

Pressure / Temperature diagram for ball valve ABRA-BV-61A butt weld ends

Diagram defines working pressure/tempetarure range for 3PC ball valve ABRA-BV-61A

Installation and maintenance instruction for 3PC ball valve ABRA-BV61A standard Butt Weld End:

  • General.
    • The valve should be installed only by person who has enough experience, carefully read the following instruction and got appropriate safety training for that kind of work.
    • Before mounting you should check the valve for transportation or storage damage.  If you find that you should stop mounting until you get Seller's approval. 
  • Special note for installation of valves with electrical actuators.
    1. Before installation the valve and the actuator should be set-up properly for for combined operation as it demanded according to actuator producer's manual:
      1. Check the assembly or assemble valve and actuator;
      2. While mounted in any orientation but for strictly vertical the actuator should have own supporting structure undependable from the valve;
      3. Installation of actuator below the valve is strongly not recommended;
      4. Set up end position limit switches of the actuator for "On" and "Off" and check safety torque limit switches of the actuator;
      5. Make few cycles of opening and closing of the valve with manual gear of actuator;
      6. If manual operation ; was well, then you should make proper connection to electricity and make few cycles of opening and closing of the valve automatically. Only after that if operation is normal you can mount the valve to the pipeline.
  • Mounting.
    • You should obligatory follow "General Installation and Commissioning demands"
    • Delete plastic plugs before mounting.
    • Before mounting consider hazardous liquids or gases in the pipeline i.e. - what is in the pipeline or what may have been in the pipeline at some previous time. Consider: flammable materials, substances hazardous to health, extremes of temperature.
    • Before mounting consider hazardous environment around the product i.e. - Consider: explosion risk areas, lack of oxygen (e.g. tanks, pits), dangerous gases, extremes of temperature, hot surfaces, fire hazard (e.g. during welding), excessive noise, moving machinery. Consider the effect on the complete system of the work proposed. Will any proposed action (e.g. closing isolation valves, electrical isolation) put any other part of the system or any personnel at risk? Dangers might include isolation of vents or protective devices or the rendering ineffective of controls or alarms. Ensure isolation valves are turned on and off in a gradual way to avoid system shocks. Ensure that any pressure is isolated and safely vented to atmospheric pressure. Consider double isolation (double block and bleed) and the locking or labelling of closed valves. Do not assume that the system has depressurized even when the pressure gauge indicates zero. Allow time for temperature to normalize after isolation to avoid the danger of burns and consider whether protective clothing (including safety glasses) is required.
    • Before starting work ensure that you have suitable tools and/or consumables available. Use only genuine ABRA replacement parts. Consider whether you and/or others in the vicinity require any protective clothing to protect against the hazards of, for example, chemicals, high/low temperature, radiation, noise, falling objects, and dangers to eyes and face.
    • Ball valve can be installed to the pipe in any orientation.
    • Ball valve BV61 should be obligatory disassembled before welding ends to the pipeline, and further assembled back to avoid seals and seats damage.
    • Ball valves could be installed in any space direction on the pipeline.
    • Bolts tightening torque for 3PC ball valves:
      DN 8 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100
      1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4"
      Bolts torque Nm 20 20 30 30 30 45 45 55 55 70 70
  • Maintenance.
    • The ball valve should be checked visually not less than once per year or more times if that is necessary according to ambient conditions or/and frequency of operations.
    • To avoid trim jam the valve should be run the cycle "fully open"/"fully closed" not less than once every 6 month.
    • No special treatment is needed for all lifetime of the valve.
  • Transportation and Storage.
    • Storage and transportation should be without shocks at temperature range: -60…+65°С.
    • No parts or objects are allowed to be placed into ball valve ABRA-BV61.
    • The valve should be kept in clean and weatherproof placements.
    • During transportation ball valve ABRA-BV61 should be properly protected from damage.
  • Attention!
    • Don't touch valve in operation due to the possible dangerous temperature.
    • Before service or/and mounting works you must ensure that the valve is not under the pressure and don't have dangerous temperature.
    • Never delete marking from the valve.
  • Guarantee.
    • Guarantee is 12 month from installation but not more than 18 month from shipment if all demands of this manual are fulfilled.
    • Customers and stockists are reminded that under EC Health, Safety and Environment Law, when returning products to ABRA they must provide information on any hazards and the precautions to be taken due to contamination residues or mechanical damage which may present a health, safety or environmental risk. This information must be provided in writing including Health and Safety data sheets relating to any substances identified as hazardous or potentially hazardous.

Additional information from the Company ARADOX:

Please note! ABRADOX can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other published materials. ABRADOX reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed. All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies and are not allowed to be used without the prior written permission of ABRADOX.

Design and IT support: KS  

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  DPVA.info Инженерный справочник.

HVAC, water supply and water treatment, industry and others